Enjoy the sea


Campanyes, promocions i sortejos


We would like to inform you that we are starting the preparations for the EXPERIENCE L’ESCALA campaign that we will be raffling off next June 24th !!

In order to continue with the line that the prizes have an impact on associated shops, in collaboration with PortalBlau, this year we will be raffling off a Pack for two people valued at € 300 which will have:

• 1 Hotel Night.

• 1 Dinner

• 2 tickets for a PortalBlau concert

The winning number must match the winning number of the ONCE Sweepstakes on Thursday, June 24, 2022

• The prize is for customers only, not for establishments.
• If the winning ticket has not been distributed by the establishment holding the checkbook, the prize will be void.

The commercial campaign will be advertised on Ràdio l’Escala and Canal 10 Empordà.

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